Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Seasons Of Change

So many changes in the past few months. Life has had a lot of highs and lows. We've lost a few along the way and somehow we've managed to muddle through. It's been a long, long season. It's winding down now and we're into the dog days of summer. In less than a month we'll see a new season. Fall is my absolute favorite time of year here in Oklahoma. The trees and bushes go from green to yellow and then to orange and red. It's truly an incredible sight. The days remain warm but the nights are crisp. The evening sky is full of a million stars that look so close it seems you could touch them. Autumn brings a sense of inner peace for me and I don't know why. I just feel as though it's my time to recollect, ponder, and renew myself. When the weather cools some I'll begin to bake more and make chowders, stews, and soups. I'll fill the house with smells of cinnamon, hazelnut, and maple candles. I can hardly wait.

1 comment:

Wrkinprogress said...

I am right there with you on the love of fall and its effect on me. It's always been that way for me, since I was a little girl. I don't know what it is, other than the anticipation of the changes. Maybe that's all there is to it.