Tuesday, April 25, 2006

All Good Things Come To An End

I'm feeling a bit out of sorts today. An online community that I've been a member of for quite a while shut down yesterday. While I understand the owners need to do this I'm still very sad about it. It served a lot of purpose while it was up and running. Mainly for me it started out as a place for healing old wounds and rifts. It was a melting pot. So many different lives brought together in one community. I didn't always agree or like what was said by some but it was enlightening to see other points of view. It seems as though we're a divided community now. Some staying behind at another site that was created and some taking off for parts unknown. I'll miss things as they were but I respect why it had to be done.


Wrkinprogress said...

We definitely need to talk.

Unknown said...

Cat - I feel badly that things turned out the way they did, with all the hurt feelings. I really am.